window.text = { clickToCall: { title: "Click to call", }, tooltips: { rateAgent: "Rate this agent", rateCall: "Rate this call" }, reactCalc: { budgetReact: "You budget for pay-per-click advertising per month", numberOfVisitsPerDayReact: "Amount of website sessions per day", numberOfConversionsReact: "Total number of website conversions per month", numberOfConversionsThroughCallsReact: "Total number of call conversions per month", activeCurrencyNameReact: "Select your currency", resultTextReact: "Great, your RORI is positive. Would you like to request demo of Ringostat.", resultTextReactHide: "Already registered?", resultTextReactHide: "Share this calculator with your colleagues and friends to hear 'Thank you' from them =)", resultTextHandyReact: "A handy calculator, right? You found out that call tracking is unprofitable for your business at the moment.", calculationReact: "Calculation", costRentingReact: "Service cost per month", costNumbersReact: "Cost of renting phone numbers", costConversionReact: "Cost of one conversion", costPercentageReact: "Percentage of call conversions", savingReact: "Cost saving on one call conversion", totalSavingReact: "Total cost saving on all call conversions", investmentReact: "Return on Ringostat Investment", calculateBtnReact: " Calculate ", requestBtnReact: " Request demo ", loginBtnReact: "Log in", modalTitleReact: "Please enter your contact details below and we will get in touch to schedule a personalized demo of Ringostat for you.", modalNameReact: "First name*", modalemailReact: "Email*", modalPhoneReact: "Phone*", modalCompanyReact: "Company (optional)", modalSendReact: " Send ", modalSendingReact: "Thanks for your request! ", modalSendingTextWayReact: "It is on the way to our team.", modalSendingTextReact: "We will contact you shortly to schedule a demo of Ringostat.", }, dataTables: { emptyTable: "No data to display", info: "Displaying rows _START_ - _END_ of _TOTAL_", infoEmpty: "", infoFiltered: "(Filtered by _MAX_ recordings)", infoPostFix: "", thousands: ",", lengthMenu: "Show _MENU_ rows per page", loadingRecords: "Loading", processing: "Processing...", search: "Search:", zeroRecords: " ", paginate: { first: "<<", previous: "<", last: ">>", next: ">", }, aria: { sortAscending: ": sort in ascending order", sortDescending: ": sort in descending order" } }, sweetalert: { title: "Delete report", delete_report_text: "Do you really want to delete this report?" }, datepicker: { locale_option: { applyLabel: "OK", cancelLabel: "Cancel", fromLabel: "From", toLabel: "TO", weekLabel: "Week", customRangeLabel: "Another period", daysOfWeek: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], monthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], firstDay: 1 }, range_name: { today: "Today", seven_days: "Last 7 days", thirty_days: "Last 30 days", } }, logik: { and: "AND", or: "OR" }, buy_phone_slot_popup_title: "Buy additional number slot", update: "Edit gateway", create: "Create gateway", remove: "Do you really want to delete this number?", updateForm: "Form editing", createForm: "Create form", after_save: "Numbers successfully saved", buy_phone_popup_title: "Number request", buy_phone_slot_title: "Maximum phone numbers", type_remove: "Do you really want to delete this channel?", type_after_save: "Traffic channels successfully saved", danger_close: "The current traffic channel has some unsaved changes. Save them before closing?", oneTypeReuired: "Please add at least one traffic tracking channel", chanelNeedTobeChoosen: "Please select traffic type", addIvrItem: "IVR item adding", editIvrItem: "Edit IVR item", WebhookNumberIndex: "Webhook forwarding number adding", VoicemailNewAudio: "New audio for Voicemail", addNumberIndex: "Number extension scheme adding", addAudioAddnumber: "Edit audio for IVR", addWebhookAddNumber: "Webhook number extension adding", editWebhookAddNumber: "Webhook number extension editing", addInsideTable: "Adding IVR", editInsideTable: "IVR editing", success_block_deletion: "Forwarding block successfully removed", error: "Error", edit_branch_popup_title: "Edit call forwarding branch", buy_additional_scheme: "Buy additional call forwarding scheme", wrong_promocode: "That promo code is invalid", illegal_symbol: "The following line contains an invalid character: ", bracket_error: "Mismatching parentheses/braces. Please check the syntax.", logikal_statement_error: "Logical error. A rule cannot start or end with a logical operator, such as AND or OR. Logical operators may not follow one after another. An opening parenthesis may only follow a logical operator.", not_closed_brackets: "The term has unbalanced parentheses.", cdr_leave_comment: "Comment on call", success_leaving_comment: "Your comment on this call has been saved.", comment_list: "Comments on call", createCdrCategory: "Create call category", editCdrCategory: "Edit call category", createProjectForm: "Create project", orderInstalscript: "Request installation by Ringostat specialists", wrongftpaccount: "Invalid FTP access credentials.", login_incorrect: "Incorrect email or password", forgot_password_form: "Password recovery form", required: "Required field", danger_event: "Are you sure you want to proceed?", week_days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"], userProfile: "Customer profile", sipCdr: "Call log", updateSIP: "Edit SIP Account", createSIP: "Create SIP account", editSchemePopupTitle: "Edit call forwarding scheme", projectlist: "List of projects", success_activation: "Your project was successfully activated", not_valid_ga_script: "We found an older Google Analytics tracking code connected to your site. Please upgrade to a Google Universal Analytics tracking code.", choose_tariff: "Select service plan", exists_domain: "A project with that domain already exists. Please contact our support.", no_universal_nalytics: "There is no Universal Analytics tracking code on your site. You should set up the Universal Analytics code on your site before creating the project", old_universal_nalytics: "There is an old version of the Google Analytics tracking code on your site. Update it to Universal Analytics for the correct work of Ringostat", ballanceControl: "Manage project balance", verificationCompleted: "Verification completed", anErrorHasOccurred: "An error has occurred", oops: "Oops...", somethingWentWrong: "Something went wrong :(", tryAgain: "Please, try again or contact our support team", checkingYourSiteBeforeActivating: "Checking your site before activating the trial period.", usuallyTakesSeveralMinutes: "It usually takes up to 30 seconds. Please wait a while.", checkingSiteForCorrectInstallationScripts: "The system is checking your site for the correct installation of the Ringostat script so that you can start working with Ringostat right after the tariff activation", messageToIntercomGoToPayment: "Hi, I have a problem with creating an invoice on the project", checkingSiteBeforeCreatingInvoice: "We are checking your site before creating an invoice.", activate: "Activate", close: "Close", will_create_later: "Will create later", errorActivateTrialNotValidRingoVerification: "The Ringostat insertion script was not detected on your site. Please, set up the insertion script before the activation of trial period.", errorCreatePaymentNotValidRingoVerification: "The Ringostat insertion script was not detected on your site. Please, set up the insertion script before creating an invoice.", errorActivateTrialNotValidGoogleVerification: "The tracking code wasn't detected on your site. Please, set up the tracking code on your site before activating the trial period.", errorCreatePaymentNotValidGoogleVerification: "The Universal Analytics tracking code wasn't detected on your site. Please, set up the tracking code on your site before creating an invoice.", createInvoice: "Create an invoice", messageToIntercomActivateTrial: "Hi, I have a problem with activating trial period on the project", messageToIntercomActivateTrialProduct: "Hello, I can't activate trial period in the project", withdrawal_popup_title: "Withdraw funds", min_sum: "The minimum deposit is ", success_withdrawal: "Your withdrawal request has been submitted. We will contact you for further details very soon.", delete_audio: "Are you sure you want to delete this recording? Click OK to continue, or close this window to cancel.", delete_audio_success: "Recording successfully deleted", delete_audio_error: "Could not delete the recording. Please contact technical support.", exists_domain_new: "A project with that domain already exists", exists_ga_new: "A project with that Google Analytics ID already exists", sms_with_code_was_sent: "An SMS with a code was sent to the specified number.", did_not_receive_the_code: "Didn't receive the code? Please try again in", enter_your_phone_number_in_the_format: "Enter phone number in the", click_to_send_code: "Click to send code", enter_the_code_from_sms_or: "Enter the code from SMS or", sms_resend: "resend", sms_resend_in: "in", invalid_code_please_try_again_or_contact: "Invalid code. Please, try again or contact the", confirmation_code_support: "support", hello_could_you_please_help_me_with_creating_a_project: "Hello, could you please help me with creating a project?", verification_phone_completed: "Verification completed", you_have_exceeded_the_limit_for_sending_sms_to_this_number: "You have exceeded the limit for sending SMS to this number. Please, enter another phone number or contact the", this_number_has_been_already_registered_before: "This number has been already registered before. Please, enter another phone number or contact the", sphere_of_activity: "Select a field of activity", date_range_picker: { ranges: { today: "Today", yesterday: "Yesterday", last_7_days: "Last 7 days", last_30_days: "Last 30 days", this_month: "This month", last_month: "Previous month", all_time: "All time", }, show: "Show", from: "From", to: "To", custom_range: "Any period", apply: "Apply", cancel: "Cancel" }, current_language: "eng", current_locale: "en", prompt: { default_text: "Are you sure you want to proceed?", default_title: "Warning", default_title_yes: "YES", default_title_no: "NO", title_danger: "Danger", confirm_remove_sub_agent: "Do you really want to remove employee", }, numberAddToCheck: "We ring out the added numbers", inbound_number_request_success: "Your request for numbers is successfully sent. We will contact you shortly.", alert: { default_confirm_button_text: "OK", default_title: "Success", default_text: "The action completed successfully", }, notification: { error_basic: "An error occured. Please try again.", success_basic: "The action completed successfully", error_server: "Server error occurred. Please try again later.", error_branch_used: "The record is used in other branches. Remove the remaining branches.", success_copied_basic: "Copied to buffer", default_record: "Default record cannot be deleted", }, error_custom_verification_number: "For manual verification there must be at least 1 incoming call to this number", enter_comment: "Enter a comment", calls: "Calls", bad_format: "* Wrong format", validationEngine: { uaId: "* Incorrect GA resource ID", domain: "* Incorrect domain", select_required: "* Please select the item from list", only_letters: "* Letters only", unique_phone_number: "* The phone number must be unique", unique_field: "* The field must be unique", unique_constant_name: "* The parameter name has to be unique", not_equals: "* The field should not contain equal values", unique_channels: "* Channel parameters must be unique", letters_numbers_sp: "* No special characters allowed", sip: "* Only letters, numbers and characters \"-\", \"_\" are allowed", letters_numbers_sp_under_dash: "* Only letters, numbers and characters \"-\", \"_\", \" \", \"\.\", \"\(\", \"\)\" are allowed", time_to_must_be_lesser: "Time is incorrect", time_to_must_be_greater: "Time is incorrect", more_than: "Available values: 0 or sum, which is more or equal " }, admin: { choose_number: "Select the phone number", }, multichannel_sequence: { checkbox_disabled_tooltip: "Not used in the funnel with the selected settings", }, inboundNumberTypes: { onePhoneNumberRequired: "Please add at least one phone number", }, select2_add_more: "Add more...", select2_placeholder: "Not selected", reports_filters: { select_project_for_testing: "Choose project for test report", select_project_for_import: "Choose project for import report" + "*", }, link: "link", reports: { shared: "Link for share report copied to clipboard. You can also copy this direct link to share", unshared: "Report unshared successfully.", share: "Share", unshare: "Unshare", link_for_share: "Get shareable link", prompt_delete_recording: "If you delete this call recording, you can not restore it after. Continue?", }, setupNumberTypes: { notSave: { title: "Your data has not been saved", desc: "Are you sure you want to go back?" } }, tooltip: { ogg: 'Your browser does not support the ".ogg" file type' }, scriptSettings: { desc: "All the previous insertion settings will be deleted. Are you sure you want to perform this operation?", delete: "Without a phone number in this field the number insertion on your project will not work. Are you sure you want to perform this operation?", }, entities: { double: 'Name has to be unique', error: 'Name has to contain letters and
numbers only and start with a letter' }, areYouSureYouWantDisableIntegration: 'Are you sure you want to disable integration?', areYouSureYouWantDeleteIntegration: 'Are you sure you want to delete integration?', inboundNumbersAutoSaving: { title: "Are you sure you want to save changes?", desc: "Fields are automatically updated every time after editing.", confirmButtonText: "Save", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", }, callbackDirectionSettings: { desc: "You're going to change call direction. Uploaded audio recordings will be deleted.", }, validation: { notValid: "The phone number is not valid", tooShort: "The phone number is too short", tooLong: "The phone number is too long", nAN: "The value is not a number", onlyDigits: "Only digits", invalidCC: "The country code is not valid", alreadyExists: "Number already registered", enterCorrectDomain: "Enter your website address in the format", enterCorrectCode: "Enter a relevant Google Analytics ID", }, integrationsPages: { Choose: "Choose one", HaveProblem: "Hi, I have a problem with activating an integration with retailCRM on the project", sameSipError: "The same SIP account assigned to the chosen Ringostat employees. One SIP account can be assigned to only one employee.", topMangerError: "Please, choose the Top manager" }, yandexPage: { title: "Warning", desc: "By deactivating integration, you delete the token and stop data transfer. Calls made in the last hour won’t be transferred to Yandex.Metrica. Are you sure you want to continue?", }, messageToIntercomGetMoreSipAccounts: "Hi, I would like to use more SIP accounts in the Ringostat extension on the project", YYes: "Yes", NNo: "No", messageToIntercomModuleAccess: "Hello, I'm interested in", messageToIntercomModuleAccessForProject: "for project", messageToIntercomModuleAccessForProject: "for project", doesNotHaveEnoughFundsToActivateProduct: "Unfortunately, the project does not have enough funds to activate a new product", doesNotHaveEnoughFundsToActivateProductRefillBalance: "To go to the balance replenishment page, click", here: "here", callbackForm: { showDelayedSettings: "Show delayed call settings", hideDelayedSettings: "Hide delayed call settings", }, callbackSettings: { missing_work_time_title: "Project working days settings are missing", missing_work_time_body1: "In order to enable Callback, please set working days on the project settings page", missing_work_time_body2: "In order to enable Callback, please set project working days on this page", missing_work_time_button1: "Proceed", missing_work_time_button2: "Ok", cancel_button_text: "Cancel", }, emailVerificationModal: { emailIsNotVerified: "Your email address is not verified yet", toCompleteThisAction: "To proceed, you must confirm your email address", alreadySent: "We sent an email with an activation link to", canNotFindLetter: "Can't find the letter?", checkSPAM: "Check your spam folder or contact ", support: "support", messageToSupport: "Hello, could you please help me with %email email verification?", emailVerified: "Your email address has been successfully verified", }, activateProduct: { activate_virtual_pbx_add_number: "Activate Virtual PBX to forward calls to IVR Voice Menu", activate_virtual_pbx_voip: "Activate Virtual PBX to use outbound calls rules", flexible_schemes: "Set up the most flexible call receiving schemes for your business so you don't miss out on customers;", route_calls: "Route calls to the least busy employees or distribute calls evenly;", customize_rules: "Customize the rules of outgoing calls for the economy and convenience of your customers.", activate_callTracking: "Activate Calltracking to track advertising call sources", determine_ads: "Determine if ads are generating results and calls;", optimize_campaigns: "Optimize campaigns based on call analytics data;", user_behavior: "Find out how the user behaves on the site before and after the call;", identify_waste: "Identify ad campaigns that waste your budget.", activate_virtual_pbx_schemes: "Activate Virtual PBX to use call forwarding schemes", forward_calls_webhook: "Activate Virtual PBX to forward calls to Webhook number", forward_calls_queue: "Activate Virtual PBX to forward calls to Call queue", activate_end_to_end_analytics: "Activate End-to-End Analytics to track ad channels performance based on the revenue they generate", // новый ключ determine_ads_revenue: "Determine which ads generate revenue;", analyze_data_one_interface: "Analyze data in one interface: sessions, calls, number of sales and ROI;", manage_google_ads: "Manage Google Ads bids directly from the end-to-end analysts report.", activate_smart_phone: "Activate Smart Phone to communicate with clients from different messengers in one interface", activate_callback: "Activate Callback to increase the number of appeals and sales", additional_channel: "Get an additional channel of communication with clients;", increase_conversion: "Increase website conversion and the number of calls;", quick_response: "Pleasantly surprise your customers with the quick response to their requests.", activate_smart_phone_desc: "Activate Smart Phone to handle clients calls and messages in a single interface", activate_phone_for_ivr: "Activate Business Phone to forward calls to IVR Voice Menu", set_up_flexible_call_reception: "set_up_flexible_call_reception", activate_phone_for_call_forwarding: "Activate Business Phone to use call forwarding schemes", activate_phone_for_outbound_calls: "Activate Business Phone to use outbound calls rules", activate_phone_for_webhook: "Activate Business Phone to forward calls to Webhook number", activate_phone_for_call_queue: "Activate Business Phone to forward calls to Call queue", activate_business_phone: "Activate Business Phone to handle clients calls and messages in a single interface", activate_phone_for_rsp: "Activate Business Phone to use Ringostat Smart Phone", handle_calls_messages: "Handle calls and messages in a single interface without switching between different windows;", go_to_deal_contact: "Go to a deal or contact in one click if an existing customer calls;", ringostat_messenger: "Ringostat Messenger: communicate with customers in a messenger that is convenient for them;", ringostat_insider: "Ringostat Insider: get maximum information about the customer even before answering their call and increase the conversion to sales;", }, rngstPlugins: { anErrorOccurred: "An error occurred while reading. Please try again later.", anInternalErrorOccurred: "An internal error has occurred", anErrorOccurredWhileDeleting: "An error occurred while deleting. Please try again later.", soundWasSuccessfullyDeleted: "Sound was successfully deleted", greetingAudioSuccessfullyDeleted: "Greeting audio successfully deleted", greetingAudio: "Greeting audio", newAudio: "New audio", }, deleteGreetingSound: "Delete greeting sound", };